Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Seriously, Cut The Crap

I seriously can't stand the crap of:
  1. Oh no, you must do this. Because you must be a good person.
  2. Oh no, you must behave this way. You are so and so.
  3. Oh no, you must not think this way. You must think like a saint.
  4. Oh no, you must not say this kind of things. You must think about humanity.
Seriously, cut the crap of trying to be holier-than-thou.

If you are so judgemental, if you have such an idealistic mindset, well, keep it to yourself and remember that you will be judged as well.

Take Obambi for instance. He is totally hilarious.

Say something bad about Obambi, and you're discriminating and talking bad about his entire community. Do something against Obambi, and you are doing it towards his people.

Ah, seriously, why don't you just make Obambi your God??

Obambi is Obambi. You are you. Literature, does not apply in this area where if you kill one, you kill all. Sorry, there is no allegory in Obambi to represent the entire community.

You know what?

Quote: "If Democrats have brains, they will be Republicans."

I kinda agree with it.

All those endless ramblings about gay rights, abortion rights and sodomy rights. You wanna talk about humanity? Let's talk about humanity. Do you think it's humane to do all these anomaly against nature?? And you think that it is inhumane not to legally recognise these people?? Talk about irony. It is almost saying "Fair is foul and foul is fair". So at the end of the day, what is fair and foul?? Does humanity exist?

I don't quite think so.

Let's talk about something more down to earth.

Oh, I don't like her because she should be behaving this way and not that. Oh, what a shame, she does not live up to her name. Or, I don't like her because she doesn't like me clinging to her. I will move on because I don't need her anymore. I found someone better who will amuse me very much more than the boring her.

Isn't it typical of humankind?? To be so utterly judgemental and self-centered?

Well, to tell you the truth, I will rather shed these people from my life than have them in. Because they suck the life out of me.

I do not want to be a people pleaser. And neither am I obliged to be one.

Worse come to worse, I will just do what I did when I finished Form 5. Shed the skin, and start a new leaf. I don't need to carry on with old skin.

I don't care if you don't talk to me anymore. Because, I am quite sick of this judgemental community who censures everyone but themselves.

You make use of me because I was still of value, and when I am no longer of value and you have found someone else to replace me, you drop me like a hot bun.

Fine. Let me just say that if you drop me once, you drop me for good. No wonder you are in so much of emotional turmoil. Because it is impossible to please you. Because you never once bothered about how others feel.

Go ahead and chase the wind. I am just gonna stand by and watch.

I can only pray I will get an A for Literature. Apparently, Ms Anne said that Paper 5 will be even tougher since Paper 7 is considered as very approachable compared to previous years.

I am seriously sick of this world. Finding someone/something different from this world is rare. Because most people are so stereotype.

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