Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Still A Nun?

So, am I still considered a nun?

On the Tuesday before the semester ended, a few of us decided to go to Pyramid after the court visits. (Where I fell down and had a golf ball for a right knee. Why am I so blind?? Can't even see an uneven floor? Or rather, why must I walk near the cannister?)

So we had sushi. Yes, I am officially a sushi addict.

Actually, I only followed them to get a drink.

So after lunch, which I eventually ate although at first I didn't plan to eat (the sashimis and inaris were screaming at me to eat them) we decided to go to Rainforest.

And drink.

Had about 4 pints of beer and a cocktail called "Sex in the Rainforest". It's a mixture of malibu and vodka and cointreau and orange and pineapple juice. (just ignore the name of the cocktail.

The verdict?

Never take a cocktail mixed with juices. The alcohol is so diluted!!!

So I ended up pouring whatever remainder of beer that I had into the cocktail.

It was just so schmacking awesome!!

I was happy on cloud 9. Could still manage to walk straight to the loo although a lil like a fairy walking on the cloud.

I still make the best cocktails. It's not too hard, not too light and it's not bitter. It's sweet actually. Coupled with alcohol. And you're in heaven.

And after the drinks, I did the most drastic thing. Yes, Debble doesn't smoke.

Debble did a leapfrog.

Straight into the hands of shesha. (however you spell it) It's just a fruity smoke with a lot of carbon monoxide. Nothing harmful.

But people will have to learn how to smoke first before shesha-ing. Apparently, it's harder.

Nope, I did it quite well. Except for the fact that the bloody shesha thingy was spoilt so the shesha experience wasn't exactly a full one.

It was still good. It sends you to a higher tier of the clouds from all the carbon monoxide swimming in your head. After a while, it fizzles off and you're downright damn sober.

This girl, who is as skinny as Xiao, took asahi at Sakae Sushi, drank 3 pints of beer and a Devil's blood cocktail. Which is practically brandy and coke. Quite a lame cocktail I will say, but it kicks your brains.

She, was downright drunk. But she kept denying it. She said: "I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk. Are you afraid of me? Don't be afraid of me!" Well, her boyfriend said she clawed him once because he refused to let her pay him back for a trivial sum.

But I found out that you DO NOT do drink, smoke and do shesha. Because one of us did that (not the "are you afraid of me" girl), she's thalaesaemic and she blacked out. She practically just slumped into a pile of body because she couldn't feel her limbs.

And I was there to catch her. But I lost my balance and stepped a lil of the skin of her knees. Ooops, sorry. Luckily a guy came and carried her. Yes. To a chair.

And we massaged her legs and neck because she almost puked. (The girls did the massaging. Don't think too far!!) Massaging, btw, if you're wondering why we did it, helps her blood to circulate.

And that's the drama for the day. We all went home happily. Yes, it's a happy ending for a scandalous day out. Drinking during the day especially.

I was rather afraid that my dad will smell the shesha smoke. But I'm glad he didn't suspect anything. Heheh. Sister, who can smell weed out anywhere didn't either. Double cheers!!!

But the next day, I wouldn't say that I was drunk, just a lil tipsy, I was slurring. And exceptionally cranky.

Weird huh. Slurring only the next day. Was it even a hangover? I blame it on not having my usual round of coffee for the morning.

Anyway, I told my sis about this eventful day on Sunday and she was totally cool with it. In fact, she's sponsoring me!!! She was a lil jealous though that I've done shesha and she hasn't. We're equal now. She's done clubbing and I haven't!!

Not that I'm trying to be a coolio by doing all this. But I think it's pretty harmless to try things out and know why people actually do it. Well, I do now. But I do know my limits. (Unlike claw girl who asked us to go drinking again after shesha. I declined and forced her not to. Because she was already saying weird stuff and everytime she says something weird I will have to do more shesha rounds to knock her weird words off me brains.)

And how am I now currently? A week after that eventful and scandalous day??

SICK. Down with fever and this is the 4th day. The throat STINGS LIKE A BEE and my nose won't stop leaking.

And I have a whole pile of clearing to do for catching up.

Sigh. The price of fun.

So am I still a nun? Or does the "nun" category only falls on dressing?? [Crosses fingers, arms, legs, whatever that Ms Anne won't read this post]

Monday, December 1, 2008

Relationship In The Same Building

Should one actually be involved in a relationship when they are in the same building? Or at a place where one will meet the other person every single day?

I am thinking twice about it now.

I will avoid having a relationship in the same building as far as I can prevent it.

Because seriously, if the guy in the end happens to be an overly-possessive freak whom you finally find that you're incomptible with; and you are both in the same building, life is a living hell.

Life is a living hell when someone you dread seeing stalks you every single day.

Now I know why people lock their facebook profiles at times.

Being stalked is utterly unpleasant.

Does anyone know how to break up with this kind of overly-possessive freak without actually provoking him into violence and still maintain a casual friendship with him?

(Sister is breaking up with Bart Simpson. Amen to that. - but she does not know how to do it. So she is freaking out and running away from her company by going to court. Just keep this information within this blog.)

Or is it entirely impossible?

I have this issue of being overly friendly (and it flows naturally) which sends out all the wrong signals and messages.

(I kinda hate the proper pronunciation of the word 'issue'. It's like saying 'is-you')

But I'm glad that I am now able to completely let the past bury itself, and I am moving forward; a brighter and more optimistic person.

Hopefully this new attitude will somehow influence my bloody posture.

(Because if one does BVC, they will reprimand you for bad posture)

I'm still loving Law School no matter how stressful it is.

I somehow find it fun. Especially when you can argue with people and still be mighty strong friends after that. It really throws all kinds of views on the law. (Even contorted ones, most definitely)

I'm glad that the worst is over. Contract was handed in on Friday and I just handed in Tort today.

That leaves me with the effing Criminal Law tutorials to prepare for. And the non-assessed assignment for Criminal.

As much as I am more optimistic, I have become more loud and outspoken too!! And I cuss a lot. (It's probably due to the influence from Amy Winehouse - Dear Amy, please don't die so early. Take care of your bloody lungs and liver so that you can write more awesome songs!!)

I love uni. People talk about alcohol like it's water unlike some who will instantly go all puritanical about it. It is OK to drink as long as you are NOT drunk. Just some social drinking won't kill!! (Please do not get me wrong, I totally respect people who refrain for religious reasons) And No, I am not trying to be cool. How can anyone deny the joy of drinking?? (Especially when you make your own cocktails. Yours truly does.)

We'll probably go drinking on the last day of the semester. Just to let loose.

People think that lawyers are tight-assed nerds? You are WRONG!!!!! We are actually the most driven and crazy people around. We have our fair share of nerding and partying. Who says that lawyers are boring? We party with class!! (But it doesn't mean that others don't.)

If you are wondering why this blog post is so emotionally charged, I'll tell you why.


I get high on practically anything. (Please bear in mind that I don't do weed)






And I get pretty rowdy too.

My mom is worried that there is this caged party animal trying to break free in me.

Sorry mom, it's just the alter ego gaining strength.

Yes, I have multiple alter-egos. Wouldn't it be fun to guess which one you're talking to?


I bid you good luck.

And good day!!!