Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Attachment that Attached Me Back to the Earth

It's been a very long time since I last blogged. Well, let's just say that I had so much going on that I did not know how to interpret them into words. Whatever which would have been written would have been an understatement. But the bottom line is I have definitely learnt much.

I learnt how to pick myself up again when I completely lost my confidence. Land completely crushed me to the extent that when I went for my obligatory attachment I just did not know how to talk to people anymore. In fact, those chambering students there thought that I was terribly shy. Well, they think so? I suppose a lot of you will be laughing your heads off by now.

But it is true. I finally know how it feels like to be treated second class in the sphere where one used to think they dominate. I understood how people can really work together to make life easier and more lively. It is not about the place, it is about the people that you are with. I knew the importance of keeping one's mouth sealed and one's identity entirely concealed. I loved the adrenaline rush when I was working.

I met lots of great friends while on the attachment. It was nice that for the first time, people took me for what they only see and not judge based on background or what other people has said about me. It is just me, them, and whatever rubbish that was said between us. It was fun pulling each other's hair and legs. I absolutely loved lunch hour breaks and those walks and the jokes that we crack about our work.

And now it is the whirlwind [midsummer] madness of shopping and packing for the UK. I have much to do and will update again if I ever find the right words and expressions to flow from me. Well, I'll have to say that my posts may not be as crazy as it used to be anymore.

Till the next time I do post, I do hope that you are all well.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bitch Stares

It's amazing how people have different expressions of bitch stares.

I got one today, and it was because I was chatting with her boyfriend.

Come on, it's not like I'm gonna steal him, you need not be so insecure.

Which brings to my realisation that bitch stares are only for insecure people.

Come to think of it, I gave a group of people who stole my table at Sister's Popiah a bloody good bitch stare. Mine eyes bored into their souls and from their facial expressions, I knew that I inflicted sufficient intimidation and condescentment into them.

Good for them. Stupid bitches who do not have integrity to realise that someone has taken the table already.

I seriously hate bitches.

Unfortunately, I think I behave like one too.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thank God, I still have my parents.

I almost lost both of my parents on Tuesday. My mom had a court hearing and after that they were on the way to pick me up from Uni. A car behind of them was honking because he wanted my dad to go faster. My dad didn't, [thank God] but instead he tried to find a way to switch to the left lane.

Then, all of a sudden, a car from the other side of the road crashed through the divider [about 10 inches high with shrubs], flew in front of my dad, that flying car scratched the side of his car on the side of the road. Thank God the car on the left managed to break in time, and my dad jammed his breaks, but it was not enough to stop the car. My dad's car skidded instead but he just missed the flying car. When the car flew, it brought along leaves and dust from the divider.

If my dad had speeded up when the car honked him, he would not have been able to avoid that car and it would have went straight towards him. The impact would have killed my dad and my mom. Mom was about to drink water just before the car flew past and when my dad jammed his breaks, 3/4 of the water spilled. And, if the car on the left did not stop in time, he would have crashed on that flying car and that flying car would have overturned. It would have been like a scene from Transformers.

It was really God's intervention because in the afternoon when we were driving out of the house, a bus at a t-junction turned into my dad's lane and the bus just missed us. That compelled my mom to ask me to pray for protection.

Besides that, we have been having a lot of mere misses. Instead of my usual crazy driving, for some reason, these days I tend to be slower in reaction. That saved me from a lot of accidents and my senses are getting more sensitive as well. I can almost predict what the other cars/motorbikes are about to do on the road and I always avoid them in time. There was another time when my dad was driving, the car in front suddenly jammed his brakes and my dad missed him by mere inches after braking very hard [and skidded slightly] and he turned the steering quite acutely [until he had a sharp pain on his shoulder].

This reminds me of the time when I was crossing the road in front of the Spoiled Brats School at SS15 when a bus was charging at me at top speed. I managed to jump the last 3 feet of the road into safety.

I have been just plainly grateful lately. Going through the stress of studying Law, running round doing errands , cracking my head and rushing for assignments, reading crazy loads of stuff while preparing for tutorials, and reading textbooks and typing notes. By the grace of God I pulled through everything unscathed.

For the first time, really, thank you, God.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


You must be wandering, what on earth is Debble on to and why hasn't she contacted/notified/told anybody about what she has been doing.

Just as you have been staring at this space each time you think there's is an update on this blog; but only to be disappointed with the same ugly words "Beef Ball Noodles" ringing in your ear drums/brainwaves, this is how bored my life for the past 1 1/2 months has been.

Yup. Did absolutely nothing but run errands up and down up and down for everyone. Oh, and Debble got domesticated.

Also, Debble had to go to Penang. Debble thought her daddy is the coolest driver ever because he can do miracles to avoid a jam and also, to cut a queue. Debble hopes to be a cool driver like her daddy one day. Well, she is on the way given that her Daddy is teaching her how to drive. The daddy said that the driving school lessons can be flushed down the toilet bowl and it is not even worthy to be stored in the septic tank. Oh well. Explains why the daddy didn't dare to sleep when Debble first started driving. But Debble drives tolerably well now. =D

Debble felt so dumb and lost when she was at Penang because Debble forgot to bring her phone. So Debble was like an Everlastingly Happy Hospital patient typing at an imaginary handphone and imagining the music that she would play from her phone.

Another sad story is that Debble finally found a handphone that she is oogling after but unfortunately the Mommy doesn't wanna buy it. However, Debble is upset that this new oogled-after handphone is not as cool as the previous handphone which she lusted for like a vampire. Because this new oogled-after handphone doesn't have the marvelous scroll option which is something like the IPod. But still, it is depressing enough that Debble will have to save up for about 3 months just to get that phone. Debble is dreaming for that phone every single day.

The sister is becoming a better driver now. She is not so much of David Coulthard speeding off everytime she passes a toll gate [instead Debble did it and got caught by the stupid pole that just won't bloody lift up]. The sister is, however, still dubbed as the Terminator 2 nemesis [the cool but bad cyborg girl?] driver. Yes. She is still very ferocious on the road with her little golden pumpkin.

Debble is also very guilty and depressed because she dropped her sister's dinosaur-look-alike laptop on the floor. It fell 5 feet 6 inches downwards and gave an horrendously loud thud on the floor. If you are wondering how Debble knows it is 5 feet 6 inches, it is because she was trying to drag the laptop from above her head but it fell to the floor before she caught it. Debble blames the fact that she is tremendously tired after a swim.

Debble also feels very weird after getting into the pool for the first time after 8 years. Yes. That's how long Debble has not had a good swim. And Debble sinks instead of floating now. Debble is depressed.

You may be wondering why is this post so retarded-like, well, it just shows how much of brain-storming work she has been doing for the past 1 1/2 month.

She is being grounded by her Mommy, not being allowed to go anywhere at all unless it is to follow her. Yes, Debble got serious grounding. Don't ask me why. I feel like crying even reminiscing about the fact that Debble got grounded.

Other than that, Debble chops garlic and washes the dishes every single day and ocassionally fry eggs. Oh, and she does the laundry every now and then. Debble is right now very agitated with the retarded Dell XPS laptop because the drivers and utility CD is just retarded.

Ok, I'd better sign out now before your brains turn into mosh.

Space [Peace] Out.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beef Ball Noodles

"Uncle, one small bowl of noodles, dry."
"With added extra beef balls for the noodles."
"And one additional LARGE beef balls side order."

The food came. They were no added beef balls and the side order was a small bowl of beef balls.

"Uncle, I ordered for extra beef balls and a LARGE bowl of beef balls as side order."
"Harr? Miss, you sure arrr??? It's a lot of beef balls you know...."
"Yes, yes."

As the sister ate when the added and larger version arrived, all the waiters and the owner of the beef ball noodles store stared at my sister in amazement and amusement.

Such a thin girl like her, and all dressed up like a lawyer can actually eat so much. That much.

The next time...
"Uncle, one dry noodles with added beef balls and an extra LARGE bowl of beef balls for side order."


"Okay, give us 2 LARGE bowls of beef balls only. And another LARGE bowl of tripe. [A bowl of tripe is where you have a combination of 2 types of beef meat, cow's stomach and beef balls.]"

They brought us 2 normal bowls of beef balls and another normal bowl of tripe. It was just me and my mom this time.

Fine. We didn't realise it was the normal-sized bowl. So we just ate.

"Uncle, can we have another LARGE bowl of beef balls?"
"Harr?? Large one arr??"

Finally, the big blue bowl of beef balls arrived. With a huge stack of spinach on top. It was heaven.

At 4.30 pm, the sister walked in.

She ordered:
"Uncle, one LARGE bowl of beef balls for side order please."

The waiters and the owner laughed. No wonder this mother and daughter came in and ordered so much. Because they were related to the first customer, the elder sister, who was a major fan of their beef balls.

We were after that treated like royalties.

People often wondered, how can a small family of four, who don't look very fat, who are relatively thin, and always dressed up so nicely can always eat so much?

Oh well, you should know how much of apple cider with vinegar we drink after the meal.

Today, was a breakthrough day. Mom actually drove to KL!! With, of course, a few panicked, sharp orders for directions and all.

It was a lot of fun. The dad was greatly amused listening to our adventure and knowing how bimbotic we can be sometimes.

Oh, and did I tell you that my sis and I only woke up at 1.30 pm? And the sis found out that her seminar was 3 pm instead of 5 pm?

Yes, this is how I live my life these days. Relaxed, entirely unorthodoxed and playful.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I've Got A Sledgehammer and I Smashed That Boulder

Yes. And damn well did I smash it.

This is a super delayed post. But I just found time to stick my arse on the chair to actually blog.

I'm done with Lexicon. Yay!
I'm done with the Memorials for the Moot. Double yay!!
I'm almost done with the preparation for the Law Ball. [Grins widely and threatens to explode with bliss.]
And I've been told the best news ever! Ok, not that great, but still better than nothing. I'm on the right track for the moot afterall. After all the late-nights. I mean, super early mornings. I should just change my biological clock. 5.30 am = 11 pm and 1 pm = 10 am.

Yup. I sleep at 5 am and get up at 1 pm.

[I've been called a panda-owl. Oh, and my mom, from calling me beebee/stinking/stinging bee, now calls me BumbleBee. After watching Transformers. Heh. Mom, I told you that movie is addictive! Well, I'm still a panda, a bee, and now, I am also an owl. For some weird reasons, Nicol and Schmein kept drawing similarities between me and "The Owl" from the 1-minute-mini-series on NTV7 at 8 pm and 12 am which I told them about. I'm not as sadistic and born-loser-ish as him ok? It's a midget-size FUCHSIA owl and he's always skeptical about everything. I don't think I'm that. ]

But that was before the Memorials deadline. I'm quite glad that the Memorials was not the memorial for us.

And I'm not gonna do that anymore. Because, I can feel myself ageing. The dead tired muscles, my muffled speech which make me sound like I'm drunk. My unsteady steps [which makes me look even more like I'm drunk or high on drugs. Probably weed.].

Oh, and not to forget, my constant fainting spells.

[p/s: I fainted the other day. The funny thing was, it was exactly like how Disney would do it. My body turned a round before falling on the ground. Well, except mine happened 2 times faster and I smashed into a cupboard; uhm, my room is congested. I didn't have any bruises, but only suffered a minor scratch from the edge of the cupboard. No pain. Nothing. Fainting isn't that bad after all. It's just like the collapsing of your limbs because your muscles refuse to support your frame for a while.]

I need to kick those spells off!! It's getting me into trouble!!! Mom's forcing a cocktail of [natural] vitamin pills down my throat now! [Don't worry, it will not trigger a cardiac-arrest.]

On a side note, if I have a chance, I would like to re-live my A Levels life again. Just for a day. Because, we did that today, and I realised just how much I missed it.

Pardon the lack of humour. That potion has been running very low lately. Well, waddya expect when I have a sledgehammer in hand currently? You can't exactly be all funny when you have a sledgehammer in hand! People will think that you're sadistic! [Ok, I bet a lot of you will be saying: "But you ARE sadistic!". Whatever.]

Who knows, I may probably morph into that small toy car decepticon in Transformers 2 who has a HUGE crush on Megan Fox. He's so adorable!!!

I'm rambling.

Oh, and my sis and I adopted middle names. =D

Sunday, June 14, 2009

BimBo 'N' LaLa

Every single time I click on the New Post link, my mind just goes blank.

Oh well. I think it's probably the allergic reaction to anymore writing ever since the final examinations were over.

Just a quick update on what has been going on in my life lately.

1. I almost died.
Yes, on my cousin's wedding dinner day. Mom lectured us on the taboo of wearing a black dress at a wedding dinner. Consequently, my sis and I were forced into wearing two identical floral dresses which colours are so striking it sticks out like a sunflower in a bed of white lilies.

What made things worse was when we were asked to wear a flower on our wrist since we're helping out with the welcoming of the guests. Oh, did I mention that we both had similar make-ups too??

At 7.40 pm, we decided to drive home to change. Well, when you have a bunch of car keys in your hands and you're in a desperate need of a change of clothes, you nick that car and you speed away.

A nick in time saves eyes.

And speed I did. I sped so fast that I didn't see those damn plastic dividers and I had to do a sharp left-turn to avoid it. The next thing I knew was I heard screeching noises and my car was going left and right. The amazing thing was, I wasn't afraid at all [and all the other cars were 15 feet behind with noone at the side]. I felt no fear, instead, I just turned the wheel left and right to slowly make it move in a straight line. Sis said that the car actually floated in the air for a while and she thought we were gonna turn turtle. Thank God, we were saved by His intervention and nothing happened to us. Sis said she felt a force pushing the car back on all four wheels [Jean complained that I freaked her out with ghost stories in the middle of an afternoon when I told her this. But it's true!!! I heard a loud thud!].

Oh well, if we were to turn turtle, it would have been a very costly price to pay for VANITY.

And, if the sister did not shout out the divider to me, I would have driven up the divider and turned turtle. [That, was how fast I drove.Yes, thank you for your stares and bewildered, gaping mouth. I hope a fly flies into your cavernous mouth.]

But neither of that happened, so, I am grateful to God and my sister.

We never told anyone at the wedding about it. We made it back on time so no one noticed anything amissed except the fact that we looked stunning.

2. I was bathed with wine.
During the wedding dinner, well, my mom and sis had a glass too many to drink. It's not like they're very good in holding their drink. But still, they went ahead to knock themselves out with wine.

And they knocked both glasses of my wine down on me. The tipsy sister took her own food and for some reason, her hand moved a lil too far to the right and knocked one of my glasses down. One Glass Down. I sighed with relief when it wasn't the other glass which was the semi-sweet wine which I ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY love. But that relieve was quickly stripped off my functioning brains when the tipsy mom, who took food for me, led her chopstick and spoon a lil too low and knocked my SWEET WINE over!!! [AND THAT WAS THE LAST GLASS OF SWEET WINE FOR THAT NIGHT BECAUSE AFTER THAT THEY RAN OUT OF THAT WINE!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!]

And this time, that glass of wine was exactly in the centre of my being. She bathed my Ted Baker bag, she bathed my dress, and she painted the white table cloth crimson red. I quickly scurried towards the ladies' to get my bag cleaned [which took about 5 rounds of constant wiping with a damp cloth to get the smell of red wine off, and thank God I dumped some tissue paper on top of everything and the wine spilled on the tissue paper and not on the interior cloth].

I had to down [into my esophagus] 2 more glasses of wine at a go before I went back into the ballroom. My mom, on the other hand, was still living in bliss and happily [with her rosy cheeks; no she doesn't need blushers] ate her prawns and refilled my wine. Gah.

3. I'm working harder than Miranda Prisley's Personal Assistants [of The Devil Wears Prada]
I have to change the entire layout for the newsletter [which I haven't started but I have quite a lot of ideas; just need to execute it] and I'm only starting tomorrow. Sorry, I couldn't bear to bring myself to work on the weekend of my birthday. =D

Oh, and the bomb which annihilated Nagasaki and Hiroshima was dropped on me when I was told that the 1st Draft for the memorials of the moot is on the 22nd of June. May God bless my soul and lead me through this phase.

4. Bimbo N Lala
I was not awaken by the usual droning sound of the superdrill next door or my sister's crazy birthday song jingles [which is sung to me every year in the wee hours of the morning]. Instead, I was rudely disturbed from the bliss of my sleep by this:


Because of that, my mom and I had to crawl out of bed to get her to her office first so that her colleague can stand in for her for the court mention and after that send her to the eye hospital.

And it turned out......

There was no contact lens on her eyeball. But she scratched her cornea. That was the cause of her pain and pressure.

My mom started lecturing us on so many random things that it makes you literally say:


It was irritating. At one point, my sis and I were both singing Ashlee Simpson's Outta My Head.

And later, when we got home, mom stepped on the contact lens.

I got so pissed off with the both of them that I decided to call them [my sis and my mom] Bimbo and Lala for the day [and only that day].

It's actually from a designer clothing line called Bimba & Lola.

5. I got a new bag!!!
Yes, you're reading this correctly. I do admit that I am obsessed with bags and shoes. But mommy said no more shoes and she didn't allow me to buy a purple handbag. But I want a purple handbag so badly!!! A nice, striking purple handbag; semi-large. I've got yellow, I've got turqoise green, why can't I have a purple? I wanted a peach colour too from Raoul but mommy complained that it will get dirty.

Oh well, it's back to boring black and brown leather bags. I hate semi-leather bags [because after 3 months it will start shedding its skin].

Oooh, on a side note, I'm dying to get to London to buy more Clarks, boots, and Faith shoes!!!!! If I can, I wanna fly there now for the Europe summer sales. And grab all the Zara that I want until I see stars.

Also, I wanna watch the Wimbledon Open. But I can't!! Because I've gotta go for the moot. And prepare for it. Sigh. [I heard that Nadal might be playing??]

Ah, I'd better stop now before I sound like a Bimbo and Lala.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Will Wear My School Uniform Again...

Only to watch my highschool classmate teach in our old school!!! Hah!!

I can't believe she actually became the relieve teacher for Science for those bursting teachers!!!

I shall, oh I shall! wear my school uniform, and sneak in to her class if she was still teaching there. Unfortunately, the teacher has recovered from bursting and has returned to school; hence she was no longer employed.


The best part? My highschool mates thought I disappeared into thin air. They don't know what I'm doing, where I am, and how to contact me.

Wow. Intriguing.

On a side note, I would like to wear my school uniform again.

So that I don't have so many things to study, so many responsibility to hold and also, I won't have to behave in the maturity "required" at "my age".

Right now, I have 3 roles.

1. Layout designer for Lexicon, the Law School's newsletter.
Which is driving me nuts because the stuff keep running around [damn it! Stay put! Or I'll put you in your place and tell you how stupid you are to run around!]
And, as it so happens, "apparently" I am to be in charged of layout only. But somehow, grammar overspilled in. Sigh. It's ok. We're all kinda short-handed anyway. [Not physically, d'oh!!!]

2. President of Law Society
Which brings along a HUGE boulder with the letters LAW BALL scrawled all over it.
It's so bloody expensive to host all this stuff!! And I have to be the finance manager, I have to get sponsors, I have to get the venue and the menu and the event going. [I would rather watch Ramu and Shamu 100 times over than stare at the venues and menus - Yes, I'm lame]

3. A Participant in the National Rounds for the LawAsia Moot competition
Oh well, and I have MORE reading to do!! Wow!!! Isn't my life just so un-boring? Rather than staring at four blank walls I am actually jumping around on tip-toes!!

When I was in school uniform, all I do is read storybooks and do well in my exams to shut the teachers' mouths. And just play some sports. I don't have so much of "exciting" errands to run.

I'm not complaining, but it is just unfortunate that they all have to come in a lump sum.

Oh, did I mention that my entire almost-old-folks-home-neighbourhood is doing renovations to their houses?

So there are lorries blocking the entire road, drillings in the morning, breaking my beautiful bliss of sleep as early as 8.30 am in the morning. Oh, and there is the constant hammering and more drilling and more random singing.

Yes, and it has been on-going one week before my examinations.

Isn't life just wonderful out of the school uniform?

And I can't complain about me having exams because... "no one accomodates for my hyper-sensitive situation/characteristic"

I would rather wear that ugly stuffy school uniform a hundred times over. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Unstoppable Roller Coaster

"Lies, lies, I stand in the house of crumbling lies."

Sometimes, life is just frustrating. Some people use their ego as their shield. Some use other people's emotions as shields. Some, use practicalities of life to escape from reality.

The truth? I stand in the house of crumbling lies.

Why are people so blinded by their ego? Even to the extent that they talk gibberish? Even to the extent that they actually blurt out nonsensical stuff just to stab a knife in the soul of the other person?

And they say that it is in defence of their ego. LIES, I say unto you.

So what if another person gives you small change when you do not have one? How does that in anyway mace the ego which you have invented for yourself just because people tell you that you should have some "dignity"? Dignity is not seen in that way. What is wrong with another person giving you small change in front of everyone when you need it? Why do you even feel threatened by it in the first place?

Threats, why do people use thou to get things done? Is that the better method to substitute a reasoned, logical reasoning to compel a person to do something?

It only pours water on to the wall of that relationship which in all its glory is built on fragility; built with sand.

Emotions, where art the fortress of thine? Are you to be pricked so easily and consequently cause such an emotional and physical uproar all over the place?

Righteousness, why art thou perverted? In the name of "righteousness", all the old ways have been removed and in the process, stripping another person of the glory of his effort put in in good faith for the country. And after that, you renew all the old methods? What glory is there in doing so? First, you say that there will be no more wars. Only to renew and to send in more troops for the war in Afghanistan. That's right. In the name of righteousness, you do so. What righteousness is left, if not for the righteousness of ego if one is to strip off the old ways only to renew them in the glory of his own name later?

Unfortunately, Life, is an unstoppable roller coaster where everyone is driven by it; and is not given any space of time for a breather to think.

Lies, lies, I stand in the house of crumbling lies.

All your glamoured works, they are all lies.

It is no surprise that mankind is a disappointment unto himself.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life At This Point

Isn't life ironic? During the exams, I was dying for it to be over. Now that it is over, I don't feel anything at all. There's just this vacuum in the centre of my being that doesn't make me feel free at all.

And, ever since I left blogging for a month or so, my creativity level and my level of language actually took a dive.

Oh, well, it's probably time to find that crazy part of me again.

It was forced to the background during the exam period. [Well, it took me 2 1/2 weeks to suppress it and with the realisation that Exams are just a week away and the fact that I've not studied a single word. Really, I'm not exaggerating or being dramatic.]

I just don't get it. When I don't have the opportunity to blog, I have so many things to blog about. But now that I've actually got time to blog, I can't seem to find anything to say.

Well, let's start with the movie "Angels & Demons".

I watched it on Saturday actually. And.. it was great!!!

It was SO much better than the Da Vinci Code which had a rubbish plot, horrible tag lines and atrocious soundtracks.

Whereas the current one, it's the complete opposite!!! I actually prefer it to the book!!!

But along with the movie, is the feeling of regret in me for succumbing to the heat of the Summer when I was in Rome. What a waste, what a waste. My sis and I actually planned to do that whole running all over the place to look at sculptures. Instead, all we saw was the St. Peter's Basilica, the Colloseum, a lil tour of the city and our sweet lil dreams in the hotel. Yes, we chickened out of the heat and opted for a nap. [If we were to be real chickens, our feathers will all be de-feathered with just the aid of the wind]

We didn't get to see Bernini's or Raphael's sculptures. For example, that ingenious half angel half demon/skeleton sculpture of Lucifer which was in the movie. But I'm disappointed that they didn't show that awesome sculpture of Moses pointing his finger [in St. Peter's] in the movie.

And, I suspect they changed the outlook of the tomb of the popes. The staircase where the Carmelengo burnt himself? Hmm, I don't remember seeing that staircase at the centre, it was at the side if I'm not mistakened. Or maybe it's just the angle of the camera. I wished they showed more of the buildings in the height of their glory rather than just at the level of the car window.

My biggest regret? It's not walking to the Pantheon which was about 15 minutes [I think] from where we were waiting for the bus. That place, in the movie was just SO beautiful.

Nonetheless, I ABSOLUTELY love the soundtrack of that movie!! It was mysterious, dramatic, expressive, impressionistic and yet, you can't mistaken this tragic feeling about it. The best part? The solo violin was played by Joshua Bell!! Hotness!!! He's the same violinist who played for the movie, "The Red Violin". No wonder the music was so beautifully expressed!

The plot of the movie was better, the angle of the camera was better, even the actors look better! [Did I mention that the Italians in the movie were so much hotter than the ones that I saw when I was in Rome?] =D

I'll say it's a good movie. But the feeling of disgust when the preferetis were murdered was very much dampened compared to the book.

I really do not have any inspiration for this post. Ah, I need to get my touch in blogging back!!!

Gah, the exams sucked so much of life out of me!!!!