Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Don't Wanna Go Home!

I don't wanna go home.

But I bet all of you are saying... no... shouting:


I do miss you people like crazy.

Going back home means leaving a lot of fun memories behind.

Running for the busses.

Getting free newspapers only to read about Amy Winehouse. Btw, I didn't know that she lives in my area. I go to Camden every single day. And she lives in one of the flats here.

Seeing weird people. There was this cross-dresser at the tube station who walked towards us saying "I'm a girl... I'm a girl..." and at the same time trying to do the catwalk.

And the constant cool weather without sunshine.

And the awesome food over here.

The awesome Robinson's Fruit and Barley drink.

The super fresh groceries.

Pimm's. Bailey's. Cocktails.

The Super cheap Marks & Spencer food here which has a wider range and tastes just absolutely awesome.

The convenient public transportation.

Looking at rare and beautiful cars.

Gosh, so many memories to leave behind. I bet my sister is gonna cry when she leaves here.

But I shall not be depressed.

Because, who knows, I might just come back here to do my Bar Vocational Course!


But that is if I do really well for my Degree. Then I might probably be able to convince my mom to pay the tuition fees and make my sister who is hopefully successful by that time to sponsor my daily expenses.

And hopefully, I'll get to do LOTSA SHOPPING!!!

And you know what??


I manage to get my luggage weight down to 23 kgs each!!! And my mom just confirmed with us after asking the MAS people twice that our maximum baggage allowance is 25 kgs!!!


What a beautiful finish to a beautiful holiday!

But I think I'm quite ready to start uni now.

Being dormant for so long, I think it'll be really great to start working again. Then I will be able to fill my free time more easily rather than bugging my sister what to do.

All's good all's good.

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