Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chero, Thfu, Fawr, Shix, Aight

0 My mom has zero idea about taking care of cars. It's like taking care of yourself. You first rinse the body when you are washing the car, then you soap, then you rinse again and then you wipe it dry. If there's a noise, it's like a human being having a flu or a cough. You have to take care of it immediately before it turns out to be something else worse. My mom just cannot see this point. [p/s: My stamina is seriously bad now. I had a tough time washing the car now. Dragging the cloth is like dragging a donkey across the surface of the car body. It was never like this previously]

2 Two words. Sarah McLachlan. I love her entire album, Wintersong. She wrote that song, by the way along together with her producer. She's an awesome pianist as well, and she has the most versatile and beautiful, angelic voice. Her voice is full of lustre, sonority, melody, soothingness. I believe she can reach any pitch she wants without breaking a sweat or straining her vocal chord. She even sings better than Emmy Rossum who has vocal training as well. McLachlan's voice, trained as well, is far more superior. I shall insert the few of my favourite christmas songs covered by her and her other beautiful songs. I really really love her version of "I'll Be Home for Christmas" [I think my sis suits the last line of the lyrics: "I'll be home for Christmas even if it's in my dreams"] Her song Adia saved a rapper from committing suicide. I love that song too!!! I remember watching the video clip as a kid at about 8/9 years old.

4 I shall be away for the next four days. Hence, I'm leaving you people with a greeting of my favourite Christmas songs.

6 I didn't go for the 6 hours thingy today. It's so stupid. I only had 3 hours of sleep, I dragged myself up at 6.45 am in the morning, waited at the centre for a whole half an hour, only to arrive at the centre to find out that there is no activity there today. The uncle was misinformed. I was all ready, with my lunch ready in the bag [because the food there seriously sucks], book ready, jacket ready, earphones ready, two full phone batteries. This is retarded. I had to walk back home as well only to be greeted by my grinning mother who for a moment, looked like a Grinch because she tried very hard to persuade me to not go for the talk in the morning. Why must she always win??

8 I can't believe 8 of Jan is just a stone throw away. I have not touched Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Prologue and Tale, whatmore Chaucer's Cantebury Tales. Not good. The holidays feels so short!!! I'm just only beginning to really live my life!! Not forgetting, I haven't touched Contract as well, don't even think about Econs. Blargh. Work work work work. Why is my life always revolving around work?? Even in THE ultimate holiday season!!!

And I have not packed my luggage for my camp. It's tomorrow at 8.00 am for departure.

That's why I made the numbers sound and look screwed up. Because, my life is in a current total mess now. And nothing makes sense to my brains. I even have to rush during my holidays??

This is just not right.

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