Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Or So You Think

Hmm... [thinks really hard]

I think. After much consideration, that a simple sentence which exuberates confidence but does not demean anyone in any sense STILL CANNOT TOP the list of an overweening rogue which thinks that girls will lie down on the carpet, WORSHIP him and kiss his feet.

I mean seriously, people are allowed to be confident and feel good about themselves.

Although it turns out to be momentararily shell-shocking to hear the sentence.

But other than that, I'm cool. =D

And so, I used to think that WOE IS ME. [Note, I shall not be equated to the parasital pests in the form of cats in krystyn's house]

Well, not anymore.

Alright. Generally, I'm the cold-ass-bitch who does not show emotions [or doesn't seem to have emotions] or cry.

But I cried yesterday night.

Not because I was emotional. But I was seriously touched by the passion and the perseverance of one man.

We think that we go through a lot of pain.

True. We get hurt by other people's words. We sometimes get a cut.

But can you compare those meagre pain with the agonising pain which feels like you've broken a rib every time when you try to lie down??

Or where once you were able to jump around, get crazy and enjoy rock gigs; only to be reduced to the luxury of only a wheelchair??

Imagine, he was once a good songwriter. His music moved people.

But he is now inflicted with disease. A terminal disease. Blood disease and cancer.

In a way, his world is crushed.

In one week, he lost every fibre of hair on him.

He has all the right in the world to whine and complain.

Or so you think.

Instead, he uses all his might to go around touching people's life, encouraging them.

Even if it is a 7 minutes talk.

He can even joke : If I can break a rib to lie down, why not break a bone and change lives??

I wonder how many of us can have such courage to use our own circumstances to touch other people's lives.

He is not giving up.

And he has been battling his illness for almost 2 years and he is still going strong.

In fact, he wrote the most beautiful song; full of hope, soul and inspiration.

I am moved by his courage, perseverance and boldness.

Who am I compared to him??

p/s: I feel totally guilty for having a 6 hours nap. I'm serious. And I'm feeling sleepy now.

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