Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

How Do I Name This Post?

Ok, I have ran out of post titles. It can be rather tedious sometimes.

If you are wondering why is the sky so grey today and why is it raining cats and dogs over at your area [at least my housing area is]; you can blame it on me.

Instead of

Because I am up at 6.35 am on a Saturday morning. [Guilty: I usually only get up at 11.30 am??]

When I woke up, it was a cold morning but it wasn't raining. Until I got all the tennis racquets and the stuffs, it started drizzling.

Must the weather tease me so??

I wanted to cry. Just when I finally got my lazy arse up to play tennis, it just had to rain. But my dahdee said that it might not be raining over there.

And so we went. Nope. It wasn't raining. But the moment my shoe touched the ground it started drizzling over there at the club house.

My mom said this: It has not been raining for what seems like a few centuries but when you finally get up to play tennis, it's raining cats and dogs now.

So, instead of playing tennis, we played table tennis. Kinda dorky, huh? But it was good exercise though.

I don't like playing tennis when the court is wet. When the ball bounces, there will be a train of water behind it as well. Moving in the same direction. A hyperbola curve and a parabola curve after that.

When you hit the ball, you scatter the water and eventually, you're sprinkling yourself with blessed tennis court water!!!

Ok now. Some random stuff on Friday.

When Miss Anne was droning on and on about the reading assignments that she gave us, there was a particular earthling peacefully snoozing off quietly without being noticed.

I beg you, please please please DON'T tell her I took a picture of her sleeping. Please?? Thank you very much. It's just between you and me. Aye aye?? Deal?? Oh, and please Don't tell her about this blog post!!!

And besides a sleeping princess, we have the warrior princesses.

We obviously know who is Xena. And who gave up. They were arguing about the difference between "acting cute" and "being cute naturally" Xena was obviously pissed off that she was rendered as "acting cute" and Miss Deflated gave up in trying to proof that there is no difference between acting cute and being cute naturally in the positive light.

And, a moment later, they were both laughing at the papparazzi. Moi. Miss Debble. They are not your average Warrior Princesses that will rip each other apart. They are cool. Just a little heated sometimes. [And you can never get this kind of authentic and peculiar coverage anywhere else. Trust me.]

But Xena forced me to send the pictures over. Not by knife of course. By a simple cute face. [This Xena is scarrier than the real Xena. Let's face it, it's easy to brush off a harsh person but it is difficult when you have a pair of puppy eyes staring at you.]

And they both found something else to amuse themselves. Look at Xena's mouth in particular. Do you sense the peculiarity that she feels?? Yeah. Princess Deflated took a picture of her as well two days ago and was forced to send the pictures over as well.

Apparently, Princess Deflator took a picture of Xena doing some angelic pose. Come on, it's Xena!! It's not like you get her angelic pose every day you know. [That's why she feels rather queer herself]

DISCLAIMER: This portion about the Warrior Princesses has been exaggerated and the facts have been slightly twisted for comical effect. [I don't want Xena to chop my head off on Monday]

All right. Now, let's talk about the atrocities of Malaysian English/English-directly-translated-from-Mandarin.

You know what I mean now?? This is atrocious!!! An outsider will easily laugh their pants off if they see this. Terrible grammar and sentence structure.

I cringed at the sight of that notice. But the food at that coffee shop is bloody good.

Ok, enough of this post-waking-up-early craziness now.

It's time to get sober and boring to start studying.

Don't you think college is the biggest potong-steamer??

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