Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Monday, November 26, 2007

This is a VERY VERY VERY Long Post [which has been cut-short]

Ok. I have been absent for a very long time.

It's time to start updating.

Forgive me, but this will be a VERY VERY VERY long post.

You know me, if you don't shut my mouth I can go on and on and on and on. Yea huh.

So, let's have some updates about what has been happening:
  1. College has started. The dread of it all!!!

  2. I am suddenly very quiet. I don't know why. Just don't have/can't find the mood to talk. [Yes, I know you're saying: what happened to this chatterbox??] I don't know why either.

  3. College work is seriously taking a toll on me. There is just so many things to do!! So much updating to do. Like this blog.

  4. You have no idea how many sleepless nights I have had. Calculating how fast I can learn up Adobe Photoshop and how long it will take me to finish up the poster. And how long more I need to finish up Act 5 analysis.

  5. Thank God the calculations were just sufficient for me to scrape through today.

  6. Zeal and enthusiasm seem to be zapped out of my life. It's like someone stole away the part of me who is crazy and playful.

  7. Let's start with Sunday. Last Sunday [not yesterday, the week before] was a DEAD bore. Although I was at KLCC, but there was practically nothing to see/buy. So, it was like some workout for me. Walk all day long. I was rather bad-tempered the entire time.

  8. Yesterday was quite boring. I didn't go to church due to the demonstration. It will be madness to get to Old Klang Road for church. So, I ended up chilling out at home and doing Lear.

  9. I sat down for 6 whole hours on saturday to do the Lear poster. At the end of the day, I was so tired and my eyes were so swollen, I just felt like collapsing and never get up again. For college I mean.

  10. I fell down on Wednesday. The night before college restarted. Yup. Hufus-dufus had a great fall and landed on her knee. Her knee has a very beautiful built-in pingpong ball sticking out now. The colour combination is HIDEOUS.

  11. The weekdays other than that one special day mentioned above were a blur. Basically, I just sleep, eat and watch tv series online.

  12. I have a secret to tell you. I am addicted to Gossip Girl.

On a side note, just for my sanity's sake, take a good look at this "BEAUTIFUL" picture.

Let's have a moment of peace and absolute appreciation

Yup. You study/do Shakespeare's work, this is how you'll end up looking. Bald. Panda-eyed with seriously terribly sagging, black eye-bags. And you can even adorn a book as your shirt collar.

Isn't he just spankingly gorgeous?

Haha, this is a comforting note. I am still quite crazy in a sense afterall.

Anyway, I'm gonna get a nap now.

Signing off.

p/s: Sorry, my brains are a lil short-circuit today. I think it's because I have been feeding too many mosquitoes at the Sam garden just now while waiting for my transport to arrive. Haih. You know me.

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