Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Random Old News

My sis received a Wimbledon T-Shirt as a surprise gift from this dude.

And my mom pronounced the shirt as Bimbodon.

I thought yesterday's Literature Paper 3 was good.

Contract. Well, I only had 10 minutes for my last question.

I cut my hair!!! It's short. Aye aye!!

Yesterday was the last straw. I was waiting for the train when the wind blew and my hair was ALL OVER my face in a second. And it was stuffy and hot!!

What a hassle.

So when my mom called, I told her I'm chopping my hair.

And she gladly drove me there to chop my hair.

I feel so much lighter and brighter now.

Bye bye poofy hair which puffs up like some fried lace ruffles.

I am getting my dress!!! The one that I described, Sammie!!! Yay!!!

It's back to Tort now.

I need to stop sneezing.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Are you getting the Cleopatra collar?

debbleureaux said...
