Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What's Going On So Far

Nothing much has happened during the one month of absence from this blog.

Just a few highlights, I've been running around to help the mom find the perfect gown for the sister's call to the Bar.

And consequently, I had my knee swollen and the right knee having hints of pain due to too much stress. I limped about the house. I wasn't allowed to walk around much what more go anywhere.

The mother and sister are continuously teasing me about anything and everything; giving me more and more new nicknames day by day [which they deem as endearments... pooh]

So the mother and the sister are in London now enjoying themselves.

I'm hoping very hard for them to stumble upon more cool stuff for me. Hopefully, a new handbag and more clothes from Zara/Next/Topshop.

The first day of Uni life?

Well, it wasn't that bad. Kinda boring though sitting through those never-ending orientations.

Was extremely sleepy by the end of the day. It's obvious, I didn't sleep enough. Again. As usual.

The irony of the day was that I spoke about being a hostage.

A hostage of one's obsession and addiction. And how we should plot to study.

Like the very professional fake-friar I was preaching about something which I am so far from practising myself.

Allow me to defend myself. Let's just say that... It takes a person to experience it to be able to talk about it.

There is a lot of pressure being placed on our shoulders. Having to live up to the past good records of the twinning program students.

Not forgetting the very short term compared to A Levels to complete 6 law subjects. So much of cramming to do in so little time. So many of activities and societies to join while still attempting to be extremely hardworking and be prepared for every single class.

Not easy, not easy.

It's a totally different playground compared to A Levels.

Let's not talk about boring Uni stuff. We shall divert to my driving.

Once, there is one person who always say that I will be a very good driver one day.

And I really hope I shall be one... one day.

Yesterday was my first time driving home all the way from the very doorstep of college. It was ok only; it was way below my own standards.

One thing for sure was, I wasn't used to accelerating. I have been driving around my housing area only for the past 6 months. And the only reason I'm driving on the highway now at 110 kmph is because my dad is brave enough to sit in my car and allow me.

I found quite a number of sick people on the road. Like this lorry which drove at 50 kmph in the middle lane.

For the second day of uni life?

I'm having some doubts about myself. Most people will blame it from the trauma of not doing well in A Levels. But I think it has caused me to rethink about where I stand.

For a start, I find that I can only remember fragments of what I studied for A Levels. It's really bad.

And I have a little difficulty in articulating my words. I blame it on the constant atrocious English that I speak at home just to irritate my  mom and sis. I should get back to speaking proper English. Minus the chinky accent. Or the Pakistani accent [learnt that from my sis].

It appears that I shall have to shelve my interest in studying French for a while and start concentrating on getting my brains back to functioning status.

And learn how to have enough sleep.

I'll have to start mugging on paedophilic cases now. It's R v Brown and R v Wilson. Joy.

Btw, the weather forecast for the entire week is heavy showers. Such bliss. No, sense the sarcasm and disdain.

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