Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thank God, I still have my parents.

I almost lost both of my parents on Tuesday. My mom had a court hearing and after that they were on the way to pick me up from Uni. A car behind of them was honking because he wanted my dad to go faster. My dad didn't, [thank God] but instead he tried to find a way to switch to the left lane.

Then, all of a sudden, a car from the other side of the road crashed through the divider [about 10 inches high with shrubs], flew in front of my dad, that flying car scratched the side of his car on the side of the road. Thank God the car on the left managed to break in time, and my dad jammed his breaks, but it was not enough to stop the car. My dad's car skidded instead but he just missed the flying car. When the car flew, it brought along leaves and dust from the divider.

If my dad had speeded up when the car honked him, he would not have been able to avoid that car and it would have went straight towards him. The impact would have killed my dad and my mom. Mom was about to drink water just before the car flew past and when my dad jammed his breaks, 3/4 of the water spilled. And, if the car on the left did not stop in time, he would have crashed on that flying car and that flying car would have overturned. It would have been like a scene from Transformers.

It was really God's intervention because in the afternoon when we were driving out of the house, a bus at a t-junction turned into my dad's lane and the bus just missed us. That compelled my mom to ask me to pray for protection.

Besides that, we have been having a lot of mere misses. Instead of my usual crazy driving, for some reason, these days I tend to be slower in reaction. That saved me from a lot of accidents and my senses are getting more sensitive as well. I can almost predict what the other cars/motorbikes are about to do on the road and I always avoid them in time. There was another time when my dad was driving, the car in front suddenly jammed his brakes and my dad missed him by mere inches after braking very hard [and skidded slightly] and he turned the steering quite acutely [until he had a sharp pain on his shoulder].

This reminds me of the time when I was crossing the road in front of the Spoiled Brats School at SS15 when a bus was charging at me at top speed. I managed to jump the last 3 feet of the road into safety.

I have been just plainly grateful lately. Going through the stress of studying Law, running round doing errands , cracking my head and rushing for assignments, reading crazy loads of stuff while preparing for tutorials, and reading textbooks and typing notes. By the grace of God I pulled through everything unscathed.

For the first time, really, thank you, God.