Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Season Greetings [heavily edited]

As seasons change; so do I.

Like the falling leaves of Autumn, the current me sheds off.

I need to get back to that driven person that I was. But the problem is, I was so driven, people felt intimidated.

Right now, I am just this little girl playing around in LaLaland.

I talk gibberish in class. Sometimes, I don't quite know what I'm saying. It's my talent to have words rattle off my tongue.

I am not proud to say that I did well in my Mock although I did do relatively well. It's unfair because I have background knowledge from A Levels; so no matter how much I crap I won't be that wrong.

The truth is, I didn't prepare as well as I usually do.

To tell you the truth, I was shocked at my Tort results. Didn't expect it at all since I merely touched the surface of things. Contract? Well, I seriously don't know what is wanted for the essay.

No more rants about the Mock.

I am raging a war. [yes, the word rage is used on purpose.]

And I am confident to win it.

'Tis the season of winter. Coldness, decisiveness, lack of lustre in life due to the fact that Law is sucking it all. A chance to rebirth with a changed attitude. A period of "hibernation" from the pleasures of life to spring up again with anticipation for twice the amount fun that I am having.

When spring comes, it had better be damn colourful. I am gonna play all that I want [until I drop dead, ok, not exactly dead] before Year 2 starts.

Oh, btw, spring is only coming after the finals.

My seasons do not change geographically but according to the tidal events of life.

p/s: I have to re-edit this post because my English was seriously horribly Chinkily BROKEN.

Oh, and btw, I am sorely mad with the blackhole for bitching to the cat. What right does she have?? You DO NOT generalise!!! That's the first rule in thinking skills!!! Oh, I forgot that she does not have any thinking skills.

She's probably trying very hard to dominate the world.

Note: the blackhole is not one of our classmates. The period of bitching about classmates has expired.

My brains are still not functioning properly. Damn you, Sleep, you had better come easily and in bulks. Tune out those bloody crickets/lizards.

Let me tell you why Law is a profession. Because for every case, you have to be a professional in a particular area out of the blue whether you like it or not.

I suddenly have a double influx of messages coming in from MSN ever since I changed my personal message to: "I'm not stuck-up. It's just that you're not talking to me first".

It was a statement. Not a petition for attention/atonement.


Anonymous said...

Waging war, or waging Law? Seriously, THE cat's got my tongue.... "We can be slaves, or we can be.... LAW STUDENTS!!"

debbleureaux said...

I concur with you. Well said. We are in a way slaves to the law.

As a law student it is inevitable. You will have to wage war with a rage first to grasp the bloody law; then u'll get a waging law.

Life is never a fair playground.