Lil B here. It's not such a sunny day down in my lethal legal sphere where daggers are hidden, looks are deceiving, words are bent to the untruth, and expressions can hardly be deciphered. You think your life is a funfair circus? Wait till you shake a hand with invisible needles, brittle piecemeal alliances, and unrepentant bitchings which threaten to ruin the one's reputation.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Yesterday, I almost:
  1. Got drunk. I broke the rules of drinking alcoholic drinks. You must never mix your alcoholic drinks. You cannot drink beer, then after that drink whisky or wine. I drank a can of beer and later whisky with coke. [tee hee]. My head was a lil whoozy and so I sat down quietly and downloaded then played Grand Slam Tennis on my phone. Haha. The point is, I didn't pass out. So I wasn't drunk.

  2. Went to Maison's. My friend, [famously known as muka bulan] asked if I wanna go. She offered to drive me there if I don't have a curfew. Unfortunately, my parents were at the clubhouse dining while waiting for my party to be over. Dang.

  3. Got a hit-on by an inappropriate guy. Yup. Muka bulan lost her way while finding the host's house. And so, I followed these two guys to their car to go and get her. They were flirting with me profusely. And I? I behaved normally [except the fact that I had a can of beer in my hands] and I think somehow, along the way, they got intimidated and after that ran away from me [as in literally]. What did I do? I think this is the stupid attribute that I have inherited from my mom to drive guys away. Especially those kind of guys.

  4. Went into a fit. I don't understand why, but everytime I make my character run towards the tennis ball, it just won't hit the stupid ball!!! I want it to hit forehand but the stupid phone just have to give a backhand. Probably because of my heavy head and swollen eyes [played until 2 in the morning] I ended up pressing the left/right button instead of the "hit-the-ball" button. Bodoh betul.

  5. Cursed in my mom's face. I was playing the Grand Slam when my mom walked in and started irritating me. And at that moment, I almost won that stupid game. Urgh.

  6. Downloaded Virtua Tennis 3. I don't get it. The stupid game still won't download!!! Urgh. Anybody will be so kind as to go to Mid Valley to help me change the stupid dvd??

  7. Died. Muka bulan was so mad with herself because she kept on turning to the left when I told her on the phone to turn to the right. She even swore, before I was in her car that she turned to the right. She was so mad that she threw out her anger on her car by driving 300 times worse than Joel with Jet's Are You Gonna Be My Girl playing in the background. It's a big nono because that's her favourite song. Limbo, limbo. Drunk even before you had your first sip of alcohol. I think it's the overshopping in the new largest Jaya Jusco outlet at Bukit Tinggi 2.

  8. Fainted from the heat wave. I waited for 25 whole minutes for my mom to pick me up from Klang town after I got off the train. I was practically fried while waiting for her and I was steamed in the car [even with the air-conditioner turned on] when she went down to change my dead watch's battery. Talk about battering me with such abuse.

Well. Yesterday was fun although it's crazy. I guess this is the best that I can get for my social life given that I'm still stucked with A Levels. A Levels really know how to give people a lot of pressure and squeeze every single minute of leisure out of anyone's throat.

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